
Accommodation / Dining
The accommodation facilities can be tailored according to your wishes, whether you want comfortability or an extreme wilderness adventure with accommodation in natural surroundings.
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Menukokonaisuudet räätälöidään asiakkaan toiveiden mukaan.

Bear safaris
Take photos of and look at bears from the safety of a round log hut. In the beginning of the summer, we leave to the hut around 4 PM and from the beginning of July already at 3 PM.
From the end of April - August 17th
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Hunting / Fishing
From Arola you can go on independent or group fishing and hunting trips.
A paradise for people who like the wilderness
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Winter hiking / Summer hiking
A ski trip in late winter and early spring is a pleasure that is a must. Choose between ski trails to the cabin by Lake Teerilampi in Martinselkonen, or to the lean-to shelter by the river Martinjoki, or to the prehistoric Hossa.
Good sceneries and ski trails
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